Maximize your revenue with Fernish

Built with your residents in mind.

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Turnkey service you can count on.



Maximize your revenue with Fernish

Our partners

Meet the modern, turnkey furniture solution designed with your communities in mind. Develop custom furniture packages, access integrated design services, and increase your NOI, all within one platform. Growing your business with premium furniture & design solutions has never been so easy.

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From mid-century modern to rustic and industrial, Fernish offers high quality furniture and decor tailored to your residents. Explore the options, and create fully-customized packages that meet your needs.

Design services for your residents.

Free design services and customized furniture collections, available exclusively for residents of Fernish partners. Differentiate your offering and provide residents with best-in-class services and amenities!

Learn how Fernish can help power your communities.

Get started

Meet the modern, turnkey furniture solution designed with your communities in mind. Develop custom furniture packages, access integrated design services, and increase your NOI, all within one platform. Growing your business with premium furniture & design solutions has never been so easy.

Get started
Source: NMS Case Study Data, 2020